On Thursday night, the daughter of logistics and transport tycoon, Poonsamy Naicker, was found alive in a house in Pretoria - six months after being kidnapped from her car in Pinetown on May 30.
Missing Durban businesswoman, Sandra Moonsamy, was found chained inside a house in Mamelodi, ending her sixth month ordeal as a captive after being kidnapped, according to private security company, Reaction Unit SA.
“According to a witness, several African males in a silver VW Golf, a white hatchback BMW, and a bakkie forced the businesswoman off the road,” said the armed response company.
“They then fired shots at the driver’s window when she locked herself in. Other suspects damaged the left window with the butt of a firearm and forced her out. She was then pushed into a vehicle driven away.”
It is believed the kidnappers demanded a multimillion-rand ransom in exchange for the safe return of the Westville mother of two and financial head at Crossmoor Transport Plant.
Four people who were found inside the house at the time of Moonsamy’s discovery were arrested and detained at a police station in Gauteng.
These are the first developments in the case since the arrest of 35-year old salon owner, Jerry Ogbuwany Gike, who was found in possession of Moonsamy’s cellphone in July.
Gike is currently out on R5000 bail and will make his next court appearance on December 2.