Traffic authorities in Richards Bay are coming down hard on trucks, causing traffic snarl-ups trying to access the Port of Richards Bay, with fines of up to R5 000 being issued for various offences.
Businesses in Richards Bay complain that clients, staff, delivery vehicles and visitors cannot access their premises, said Mike Patterson who heads up the Zululand Chamber of Business’s Business Forum on Roads.
“They are issuing the fines for parking over the yellow line, obstructing traffic, unroadworthy vehicles and other offences in the hope that this dissuades their fleet controllers from sending them on coal deliveries.”
Patterson claims fleet controllers know that congestion means tipper truck drivers will have to queue for days to enter the port, impeding traffic flows in Richards Bay.
He said the problem is just the same as it has ever been – if not worse!
He added that, beyond the inconvenience of it all, the impact on health is now more obvious, with many residents complaining of the effect of inhaling black dust.
“The roads are covered in coal residue, and businesses are battling to keep their offices and stock dust-free.
“We are fully supportive of the authority's decision to impose fines as a last resort to resolve the illegal actions of the truckers,” Patterson said.