The Port of Mombasa has witnessed a new shift record performance after registering 1039 moves within eight hours.
The achievement, registered on container vessel Rio Centaurus on Thursday night during the third shift at Berth No. 21, also saw crane operator Joseph Maina register a new individual crane record after managing 409 moves translating to 51 moves per hour.
Maina's achievement has surpassed the 362 moves per crane shift record set by George Ominde on Friday last week on the vessel MV. Cosco Yinkou.
Operations for the vessel Rio Centaurus, with an overall length of 229 metres, commenced at 23:00 hours (first sling).
The vessel worked with three ship-to-shore gantry cranes.
KPA acting managing director, Eng. Rashid Salim, attributed the performance to good coordination, teamwork and supervision.
He said plans were under way for the purchase of new yard equipment in the next financial year to facilitate seamless performance.
The additional equipment will include twin hook spreaders and new ship-to-shore gantry cranes.
Commenting on the new record, acting head of container operations Patrick Makau, said that the record had been achieved despite 240 container operations staff being off due to Covid-19.
- Kenya Ports Authority