Growth in e-commerce is revolutionising trade, but increasingly posing a risk to the airfreight sector, especially in Africa where compliance with dangerous goods regulations as defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao) is low.“Dealing with dangerous goods in the air cargo supply chain is complex, complicated, difficult, and subject to many different hazards,” says David Alexander, general manager at Professional Aviation Services.In the express and courier industry in particular risk is on the increase when it comes to dealing with dangerous goods. “It is a fast-growing industry where time is of the essence. Many people who consign items by courier do not have the knowledge or understanding of the dangerous goods regulations and there is not always certainty about what is being transported.”With e-commerce sales growing at a rate of 20% per year, the online retail business is expected to continue to achieve robust double-digit growth for the foreseeable future. As more and more parcels are processed and moved by air cargo daily, the odds of having dangerous goods or potential illegal items inserted in the supply chain increases.Lithium batteries are a particular concern, says Alexander, as is the growing volume of undeclared dangerous goods.“In many African countries the facilities are simply not there for compliance with the rigorous regulations guiding the movement of dangerous goods.”He says while most African countries are members of Icao, compliance of the different states is not always clear. “Of course, there are exceptions and there are several countries – including South Africa, Egypt, Kenya and Ethiopia – that are fully compliant.”What further complicates the matter is that many African countries simply don’t have the resources available to meet standards. Compliance with international regulations and standards is an onerous, expensive and resource-heavy undertaking.In an effort to assist countries, Icao has launched a programme that drives compliance offering guidance, support and resources.According to Alexander, African countries are trying to meet standards and decrease risk. “They understand and appreciate the dangers and problems that exist when one does not have a robust security regime. We are seeing improvements, but we still have a way to go on the continent.”The International Air Transport Association (Iata) expects the airfreight industry to double in size by 2035 as digital technologies continue to drive more trade online.Rising volumes, however, place more emphasis on the airfreight industry to ensure safer operations, including improved efficiency when it comes to dangerous goods. “Correct labelling and declaration of shipments with dangerous goods (specifically lithium battery shipments) and other regulatory compliance obligations are necessary,” reads an Iata white paper on e-commerce and air cargo.According to Iata experts, increased online training – particularly about the risks of misdeclaring or not declaring dangerous goods – is essential.Alexander agrees saying industry can no longer afford not to train. “Training, especially in Africa, has to be the focus. It is the finest defence, keeping businesses and people safe and secure.”Education and training, stresses Alexander, remain the key strategy to reduce risk in the airfreight sector.