The national storage of South Africa’s 211 dams is now at 49% and still dropping –
fortunately at a slower pace than at this time last year - and the Department of Water and Sanitation has urged businesses to strictly follow water saving measures.
“The Vaal Dam level is at an average of 26.6% and water levels in Western Cape dams are dropping. Dams dropped by 3%,” the department said.
The Vaal System – which supplies water to 14 dams as well as to Sasol and Eskom – dropped from 49.9% on 17 October 2016 to 49.7% this week. The system was at 68.8% in 2015.
Furthermore, a departmental spokesperson pointed out that some dams in the Western Cape continued to drop with Voelvlei going from 71.8% to 71.3%, while Berg River gained a little from 72.7% to 73.1%. Theewaterskloof went down from 52% to 51.6%.