Mozambique is one of the most attractive countries in the region for warehouse development, according to the 2020 World Bank Ease of Doing Business Index.The statistics are based on the building of a standard warehouse in Maputo at a cost of MZN 1 460 636 (R336 000).Property registration takes an average of 43 days, at a cost of 5% of the value of the property. There are eight procedures, compared to the sub-Saharan average of 6.1.Regionally, this puts Mozambique third on the registration of property score (136th globally), after Mauritius (23rd) and South Africa (108th).Mozambique ranks second in the region, after Mauritius, on the dealing with construction permits ranking. It is 61st globally, with Mauritius at 8th, and South Africa 98th.Mozambique also ranks ahead of South Africa on the “getting electricity” score – third after Mauritius and Tanzania, and 103rd globally.South Africa is fourth (114th in the world).In terms of quality of power, Mozambique is on a par with South Africa.