A new range of mobile weighing systems - Ravas -developed in The Netherlands has just been launched locally.
Initially two options will be available, a weighing pallet truck which Is already being put through its paces for prospective clients and a system for forklift trucks which is due in South Africa shortly. The multi-functional hand pallet truck provides fast readouts of the lifted weight, which may be instantly recorded on an attached printer.
It provides high accuracy, even with a lopsided load, extra accurate readouts for small weights and low fork height and high ground clearance, so that all pallets can be lifted, says Dietmar Theilig of MWS (Africa), the Pietermaritzburg-based company which is marketing the unit.
Data transfer is possible to PC or network through data cards. The two models are the most robust and simplest introduced initially.
The weighing system for forklift trucks uses weighing forks, or, in the case of front-installed equipment, the weighing carriage plate. No mounting or adjustments are required to the lift truck, and it is quick and easy to exchange, according to Theilig.
For every lifting truck there is an accurate weighing solution, he says.
The system has found a ready market in Europe during the two years since its launch there. A service and maintenance unit has been set up in Durban, but an extension to this could be considered as the product gains popularity.
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