Application Programming Interfaces or APIs are proving to be just what the new world of remote interaction needs.According to Renko Bergh, COO of Forte Data Solutions, APIs are the solution to allowing systems to work together more efficiently and faster, while more and more people work remotely.“APIs enable new digital products and business models and create new business channels,” he explains. “They provide the ability to query the real-time status of an order, product or shipment easily throughout the digital supply network ecosystem, providing the ability to ref lect these connected data strings in one central dashboard.”He says successful companies view central dashboards and business intelligence as a solution to a business problem rather than a technology implementation.“Successful companies look beyond discrete IT solutions. They develop a strategy that incorporates business objectives, available technology, the company’s legacy technology, supply chain processes and governance,” he explains.“For many executives, taking the first steps forward can feel like walking an obstacle course in the dark. The market is full of conf licting information about what true central visualisation of the supply chain entails. Creating central visualisation that covers the entire supply chain is a huge strategic effort, but there’s no need to wait for the perfect solution. Leadership teams can lay the foundations in a series of logical steps that deliver immediate gains.”Forte Data Solutions' FLOW platform-as-a-service recently launched an additional integration adaptor targeted at the transport industry. This integration involves a prominent telematics provider with equally widely used customisable transport management software in South Africa.“This is part of our strategy with FLOW-connect to integrate best-of-breed transport telematics systems and truck driver handhold device software providers with transport management software tools. By offering these APIs we strive to eliminate user double capturing.”