Renko Bergh, COO of Forte Supply Chain Consulting
We were fortunate to be geared (pre-Covid) as a predominantly remote and client-facing company with an outcome-based culture instead of compulsory office hours or prescribed location. Our culture has always been groomed for self-discipline with regard to working location and hours. Our internal tools are geared for easy access from any location and are mobile friendly – just to give you an example, our business has never had a local office number.Regardless of how well-groomed our tools and culture are for remote work, we understand the importance of being face-to-face with our clients.The implementation of software (in our line of business) is already daunting – even though Covid has shown us that most of the implementation steps can be completed remotely. The balance of remote work requires on-site interaction.We have identified that certain steps in the software implementation process are best done on-site, like the initial needs analysis, training and Go-Live support.We have implemented a new CRM (customer relations management) tool to provide our team with prompt reminders of when it’s a good time for a direct call or client on-site (where possible) to be arranged – instead of consistent electronic communication.