A dry bulk carrier laden with grain from Ukraine has run aground in the Suez Canal north of the Great Bitter Lakes.
According to Vessel Finder, the panamax bulker, Glory, got stuck in the northern access way on its way south where it’s currently being attended by two tug boats, Svitzer Suez 1 and Port Said.
The vessel, owned by Target Marine in Greece, is shipping grain from Ukraine to China as part of the United Nations Black Sea Grain Initiative to allow crucial food exports out of the war-torn country.
Although the severity of the Glory running aground remains unclear, it seems unlikely that its predicament is as bad as that of the Ever Given, an ultra-large container vessel that got stuck in the canal’s southern access way in March 2021.
At just after 10:00 this morning, the Glory was still in a stationary position north of the Suez Canal Bridge.