Rampant corruption on the various corridors serving over-border freight throughout southern Africa has prompted the formation of a new body geared to protect road hauliers against graft – "Transist", initially called the Cross-Border Operators’ Bureau or CBOB).
An initiative of the Federation of East and Southern African Road Transport Associations (Fesarta), Transist will also strive to live up to Fesarta’s name – creating a federated solution that unites various representative bodies operating in the region. And although it will provide ancillary services where necessary, such as educating transporters and truckers about aspects like hazardous chemicals (Hazchem), Transist for the most part will act as a bureau protecting the industry against crooked officials.
To read the full story go to http://storage.news.nowmedia.co.za/medialibrary/Feature/7111/FTW-11-October-2019.pdf