It’s all about Africa for DSV
which has seen its footprint on
the continent grow in leaps and
bounds in the past year.
According to CEO Warren
Erfmann, with the acquisition
of Swift Freight just over a
year ago, there’s been close
co-operation between all DSV
offices worldwide, with a
genuine desire to grow business
in Africa.
“We are of course not in every
country in Africa, but essentially
that means that new areas of
interest are continually on our
radar screens, and developing
these new destinations is part of
our strategy.”
Dealing with Africa though
has come with its own
particular challenges, said
“Lousy infrastructure remains
a major problem. Roads are
shocking, port operations are
inefficient, and old and outdated
equipment and antiquated
customs procedures are just
some of the issues that one faces
every day,” he said. “At the same
time the hinterland destinations
are extremely challenging
because of a complete lack of
infrastructure – often they are
remote and inaccessible with
hardly any equipment available
to deliver and off load cargo.”
But, said Erfmann, this is all
changing. “There are several
countries that are making
attempts at improving the
situation. The likes of China
and India are very active on the
continent and very involved in
infrastructure upgrades.”
Roads are shocking, port
operations are inefficient,
and old and outdated
equipment and
antiquated customs
procedures are just
some of the issues
that one faces
every day.
– Warren