Internal politics blamed for
'groundless reports'
Alan Peat
THE ALLEGATIONS of major fraudulent practices in the fruit export industry have been quashed by an investigation into the claimed malpractices launched by the DFPT (Deciduous Fruit Producers Trust) in April (FTW April 13, 2001).
Said DFPT chairman, Chris Faure: "The investigating officer received 41 phone calls from producers around the country - and has followed up most of them.
"It has become clear that many of the complaints lodged by producers in connection with their exporters have little or no substance. But, nevertheless, the DFPT will see to it that all these matters are settled in the most amicable way possible."
According to Faure, the various press reports "have been blown out of proportion". "In most cases," he said, "their sources of information have been misquoted."
Some exporters are still under investigation, said Faure, but the international investigation is taking longer than anticipated.
However, Faure stresses that there is a very fine line between criminal fraud cases and what he terms "so-called questionable activities".
"This means," he said, "that all role players have to be careful about making sweeping statements relating to exporters defrauding producers or committing acts of theft."
The investigation will be completed by the end of May, according to Faure. Any criminal matters, he added, will be handed over to the police for further action.
"Just what I originally suspected," said Valdy Jensen, fruit grower and chairman of the Fresh Produce Exporters Forum. "More or less what I said to you in my letter (FTW May 4, 2001).
"All smoke and mirrors - and no truth to the allegations."
Jensen suggested that the whole issue was a result of internal politics in the industry. "Those who liked the status quo of regulation days, and are not comfortable with the new era," he said. "They are not going to get control boards back again, but they are looking to get more producer control over everything to do with exports - and get everybody else to comply with them."