In line with its objective of
expanding its presence in Africa,
logistics major Ziegler South
Africa has its sights set on
further border post representation
and ultimately own
offices in strategic
countries in the region.
“We’ll continue our
reach into Africa via
the border posts,” chief
operating officer Paul
Lawrence told FTW.
“Currently we have our
own office at Beitbridge
and process shipments
through Beitbridge and
Groblersbrug. The next
step will be Komatipoort.”
The company has recorded a
significant 30% growth through
Beitbridge, he said, “and although
that’s mainly documentation, it’s
good to see that level of increase.”
Ziegler’s longer-term objective is
to move north into countries like
Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique
– most likely setting up an office
in conjunction with an established
agent, rebranding
as Ziegler and
growing the
business in much
the same way as
Ziegler South
Africa has been
According to
Lawrence, there
have been good
volumes moving
on the Zimbabwe
route in both directions. “One of our
customers has a manufacturing plant
in Zimbabwe, producing mainly
consumer goods. We bring the raw
materials into South Africa, some
of these are moved to Zimbabwe
and the finished products are
exported back through the border.”
He’s upbeat about growth
potential in the region, particularly
for companies with the right
credentials. “On the road leg it’s
crucial to use only reputable
carriers – there are
plenty of ‘one-manand-
operators who
are to be
avoided at
all costs.”
The company has
recorded a significant
30% growth through
– Paul Lawrence