World Trade Organisation director-general Roberto Azevêdo has called on WTO members to follow up on their pledges of political support for the multilateral trading system with actions, including a greater willingness to seek compromise.
While members pledged their support at the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC11) held in Buenos Aires in December last year, Azevêdo said that despite the energy and activity the overall outcome was disappointing. “We need to face up to the problems before us. Everyone seems ready to pledge their support for the system. But while political support is essential, it is not sufficient. Words need to be matched by deeds. If we believe in multilateralism, we have to be ready to take the steps needed to make it work.
“After MC11 it can't just be business as usual. We need to find ways to avoid repeating unsuccessful approaches, and reaching the same unsatisfactory result. We need to reflect – but to do so in an active way. Development, and particularly the prospects of the LDCs, must remain at the heart of our work.”