Breaking ground in new markets
such as Mozambique is not easy
but it’s crucial for operators who
are looking to grow their business
According to Anthony Lee,
managing director of Botswanaheadquartered
Transport Holdings,
they have been operational in
Mozambique for just over a year –
and while it is still slow going they
are determined to make a success of
the venture.
“We are not seeing a lot of volumes
as yet, but we are also moving slowly
as our intention is to ensure a longterm
presence in the country. We are
taking the time to do our research
and to get to know the market and
the clients and be in a position to
deliver the service required.”
He said mining in Mozambique
had taken a knock with the drop
in the coal price but gas finds were
good news for operators in the
“We are very positive about the
Mozambican opportunities and are
pursuing several avenues – including
consolidations to the country from
Johannesburg and other areas,” he
said. “Competition is stiff and it is
not easy taking on local and other
international competitors but we
believe that we have what it takes to
be successful in this market and that
we can offer our clients something
He said dealing with the
seasonality of some of the
commodities in Mozambique –
such as tobacco and wheat – posed
some challenge in ensuring viability
during the off-peaks but as growth
continued and exports and imports
increased the situation would
“It is still very early days for
us in terms of our presence in
Mozambique, but we are happy with
the progress we have made and with
what we have achieved thus far,” he
Transport Holdings …
growing business regionally.