On 24 December 2020, the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC) announced the final determination of the Sunset Review of the anti-dumping duties on wire ropes and cables of a diameter exceeding 32mm originating in or imported from Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) and on stranded wire of a diameter exceeding or equal to 12.7mm, classifiable in tariff subheading 7312.10.17, 7312.10.24, 7312.10.30 and 7312.10.90, originating in or imported from the People’s Republic of China.
On 8 June 2018, ITAC notified interested parties through a Notice in the Government Gazette that unless a substantiated request was made indicating that the expiry of the anti-dumping duties against imports of wire ropes and cables of a diameter exceeding 32mm originating in or imported from Germany and the UK and on stranded wire of a diameter exceeding or equal to 12.7mm originating in or imported from the PRC would likely lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury and that these anti-dumping duties would expire on 07 August 2019.
The Sunset Review investigation was initiated in the Government Gazette on 26 July 2019. On initiation of the investigation, all known interested parties were informed and requested to respond to the relevant questionnaires and the non-confidential application. Two responses to ITAC’s exporter’s questionnaire were received from Casar Drahtseilwerk SAAR GMBH and Diepa Drahtseilwerk Dietz GMBH & CO.KG. Both responses were found to be deficient. No responses to ITAC’s Importer’s Questionnaire were received from importers of the product.
On 13 December 2019, Essential Facts letters were sent to all interested parties, inviting comments on ITAC’s considerations prior to the Final Determination.
On 20 December 2019, comments were received from the Applicant and from the European Commission (EC) Directorate-General for Trade.
After considering all interested parties’ comments, ITAC made a final determination that the expiry of the anti-dumping duties on wire ropes and cables of a diameter exceeding 32mm originating in or imported from Germany and the UK and on stranded wire of a diameter exceeding or equal to 12.7mm originating in or imported from China would likely lead to the recurrence of dumping and the recurrence of material injury to the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) industry.
ITAC therefore decided to recommend to the Minister of Trade and Industry that the anti-dumping duties on wire ropes and cables of a diameter exceeding 32mm originating in or imported from Germany and the UK and on stranded wire of a diameter exceeding or equal to 12.7mm originating in or imported from China be maintained at 93%; 76.17% and 113.25% respectively for the following tariff subheadings - 7312.10.17, 7312.10.24, 7312.10.30 and 7312.10.90.
ITAC’s detailed reasons for its decision are set out in ITAC’s Report No. 632: “Sunset Review of the anti-dumping duties on wire ropes and cables of a diameter exceeding 32mm originating in or imported from Germany and the UK and on stranded wire of a diameter exceeding or equal to 12.7mm originating in or imported from China - Final determination”.
The Minister approved ITAC’s recommendation.
A copy of the Notice is available on request.
Story by: Riaan de Lange