Chilean shipping company, Compañía Sud Americana De Vapores SA (CSAV), has been accused of collusion, price fixing and market division on an SA Ford Motor Company tender, the Competition Commission has said.
According to the Commission, the car line is accused of colluding with Mitsui OSK Line (MOL) in the recent shipment of Ford vehicles from South Africa to Europe and the Mediterranean.
CSAV has denied involvement.
In a similar case in 2015, CSAV was fined R8.8 million for a tender issued by General Motors.
To date four companies had paid over R310 million in administrative penalties in the matter, said the Commission.
“Between 2015 and 2018, NYK Line, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics and Eukor car carriers admitted to collusion and settled with the Commission.”
In 2017, MOL was granted leniency for its involvement in the cartel conduct in exchange for information and full cooperation in the matter.
Höegh Autoliners has been referred to the Tribunal for seven incidents of alleged wrongdoings and the case is still on-going.