In the primary sector, according to a Standard Bank team of economists, SA is renowned for its abundance of mineral resources.
Nevertheless, they added, the primary sector contributed 0.0% towards gross domestic product (GDP) in 2011, and employed less than 3% of total employment.
Agriculture continued to perform poorly, at -0.5% posting the fourth quarter of negative quarter-on-quarter (q/q) growth due to negative contributions from field crops and horticultural products.
The secondary sector, which accounts for 20% of GDP, has been under
pressure since the start of the recession as the manufacturing sector struggled along.
Manufacturing, which accounts for 15.1% of GDP, gathered momentum in the fourth quarter of 2011 (Q4:11), and grew 4.2% q/q, compared to a contraction of 0.7% q/q recorded in Q3:11.
Construction (3.1% of GDP) continued with mild upward growth momentum in Q4:11. This sector expanded by 1.9% q/q, after registering 1.8% q/q growth in Q3:11.
The tertiary sector grew by 3.5% q/q in Q4:11, albeit having moderated from 4.2% q/q in Q3:11.
All five units made a positive contribution to GDP, as in Q3:11. The best performers were: Wholesale, retail and motor trade, catering and accommodation, 5.2% q/q and 4.9% year-on-year (y/y), general government services (4.4%, 4.2%) and transport, storage and accommodation
(2.9%, 3.3%).
The tertiary sector has increased consistently, except for the first and second quarters of 2009, during which it shrunk.