The strategy adopted by the Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) and DP World Maputo to focus on developing corridors to support investment in the port complex is paying off.
In its annual results report, MPDC reported that the Port of Maputo had moved a record volume of 31.2 million tons in 2023, which is 16% growth over 2022.
Of the 31.2 million tons handled, approximately 25m were made up of ores, including chromium, ferrochrome, magnetite, coal, phosphate ore, vanadium, titanium, copper, and vermiculite, among others.
“The handling of these cargoes reflects the diversification strategy on which the Port of Maputo has focused in recent years,” commented Osório Lucas, MPDC’s chief executive officer.
He said a point to highlight was the more balanced distribution of the volumes transported.
While 61% was handled by road, 39% was transported by rail, indicating a significant increase of 8.4% in rail use compared to the previous year, thus also setting a new record for the Port of Maputo.
Grindrod, a 24.7% partner in the MPDC, has developed an alternative to the Maputo Corridor and is working on strengthening the rail links.
In its August interim report for the first six months of 2023, Grindrod reported that “the Eswatini multimodal corridor operation, which provides customers in the Mpumalanga area with an alternative route to Maputo and Matola export terminals, performed well, enabling export dry bulk volume growth of 143% through this route."
- Read the rest here: "Corridor strategy paying off for Maputo terminals."