I write to commend
you on the very nice
article by Joy and Alan
Peat, relating to the sad
passing of Peter Nash.
He was one of the
“characters” of his
particular era, of which
I was privileged to be a
part, who did much to
make life in the shipping
industry a little more
interesting and enjoyable.
He will certainly be
missed by his peers.
Since my formal
retirement in 2000, and
moving to the sleepy
hollow of Port Alfred and
concentrating on writing
a book, I have slipped
quietly away from life in
the fast lane.
After my wife Yvonne
died in 2006, I lost my
most treasured friend and
companion of 50 years.
Fortunately, the wonders
of modern technology
(which confuse me most
of the time) enable me
to keep in touch with
my children in various
parts of the world. They
range from Vancouver,
London and Newcastle
to Kuala Lumpur and
I’m pleased to see
FTW still going strong
and wish you every
success for the future.
Bob Robertson
Editor’s note: Bob
Robertson was a
friendly competitor to
FTW and a well-known
industry personality
from the early days of
containerisation. You
can find out what he’s up
to now by logging onto
‘Peter Nash was one of the characters of his era’
17 Feb 2012 - by Staff reporter
FTW - 17 Feb 12
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
17 Feb 2012
Border Beat
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