Transport on a good day is
not for the faint-hearted,
but in Africa this takes on
new meaning.
For Lizelle Malherbe of Desert
Charm (trading
as Botswana
Consolidators in
South Africa),
it’s all about
multi-tasking –
her phone rings
constantly and
she deals with
multiple queries
while several
containers are being loaded in the
Malherbe has been in the
industry for many years – the
last two working full time in
Botswana for Desert Charm.
“Transport is a rollercoaster
industry at the best of times,” she
says. “We are now heading into
the Christmas peak season and we
hope to see volumes increase, but
one never knows as there are so
many variables
that play a role.”
The Botswana
comes with
its own set of
“Small oneman
keep popping
up and people
keep hiring them. They have a
major impact on rates, on service
delivery and more often than
not one of the bigger players gets
called in to sort out the problems
and to finish the job. This is part
and parcel of working in Africa.”
For Malherbe it is all about
being realistic, consistent in the
level of service she and her team
deliver, professional and above
all else available. “When one is
working in Africa you don’t switch
your phone off. There are just
too many unknowns at play. My
drivers know they can get in touch
with me any time.”
Thinking out of the box, on your
feet and quickly is what the job
And while many of the challenges
– such as slow border operations
which often result in long delays
of trucks and cargo – continue to
be a reality, change is slowly being
“When I moved to Gaborone
we would have no electricity at
least three times a week. The
building of a new power station
solved that and now we never
have load shedding or other
power problems. Infrastructure
upgrades are taking place all
the time. Officials are learning
and improving processes all the
time. Yes, it is slow going, but it is
And at the end of it all, admits
Malherbe, even at its most
frustrating it remains one of the
most satisfactory industries to
be working in – making it all
“I would not want to be anywhere
else. Africa is where it is
happening after all.”
When one is working in
Africa you don’t switch your
phone off. There are just
too many unknowns at play.
– Lizelle Malherbe
Always on the move … Desert Charm’s busy facility.