The Department of Transport (DoT) has introduced new Swartruggens Toll tariffs after “extensive engagement” with the North West provincial government, labour and unions.
In a statement, the DoT noted that the user discount areas had been extended. In the Swartruggens/ Groot Marico area, the entire Kgetlengrivier local municipality area qualifies for a 75% discount.
Furthermore, the area from Zeerust to the entire Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality area qualifies for a15% discount.
A frequent user discount (FUD) has also been introduced for those vehicles fitted with the e-tags. The frequent user discount is per vehicle and not per account and is valid within a calendar month.
The FUD discounts are as follows:
· 5% for transits exceeding R375 per calendar month (R375 to R750);
· 10% for transits exceeding R750 per calendar month (R750 to R1500);
· 20% for transits exceeding R1 500 per calendar month (R1 500 plus).