Mozambique’s Centre for Investment Promotion (CPI) is analysing a proposal from the local subsidiary of Brazilian mining company, Vale, to build a railway linking the coal town of Moatize to Nacala-a-Velha in Mozambique via Malawi, costing US$1.7-billion, according to a report in Mozambiquan newspaper Notícias.
The assistant director general of the CPI, Godinho Alves, told the newspaper that the railway would be 201-kilometres long, of which 130-kms would be laid in Malawi.
Alves also said at a meeting with businesspeople that, “as well as the railway, the project also includes construction of a port to dispatch coal transported from Moatize.”
The section of the railway line that crosses Malawi will be built by Portuguese company Mota-Engil over a period of 27-months at a cost of US$703-million.