On 23 April 2021, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) announced the deletion of Rebate Item
406.01 GOODS FOR HEADS OF STATE: 406.01/00.00/01.00 Goods for the personal or official use by the President and his family, and the insertion of Rebate Item 406.02/00.00/02.00 Alcohol and tobacco products per Mission (Office) for official use: Cigars: 200 Units; Spirits/Liquor:72 Litres; Wine: 360 Litres; Beer: 1200 (340 ml) Units; and Rebate Item 406.02/00.00/03.00 Alcohol and tobacco products per Head of Diplomatic Mission: Cigarettes: 11,000 cigarette sticks; Rolling Tobacco: 3 kilograms; Cigars: 200 units; Spirits/Liquor: 144 litres; Wine: 360 (750ml) bottles; Beer: 1 200 (340 ml) units.
The tariff amendment is available on request.
Story by: Riaan de Lange