The world’s third biggest container
carrier, CMA CGM Lines,
has grown its Africa services
considerably in the last seven
years, and is now ranked as a
major shipping line brand on this
continent, according to Arnaud
Thibault, regional director for Africa
and Australia.
But its subsidiary line, Delmas,
has an 88-year history on the
Europe-Africa trade – having started
its international shipping in 1925
with imports of mahogany from the
state of Gabon. After World War II
the company began to specialise in
the Africa-European trade.
“The Delmas and CMA CGM line
brands offer importers and exporters
in Africa dedicated shipping
services,” Thibault told FTW.
“Indeed, Delmas is recognised as
the expert container line for Africa,
currently stopping at 48 ports of call
in Africa and servicing 42 countries.”
In addition to shipping lines, its
core business activity, the CMA
CGM group is also investing in
landside activities in Africa such as
the inland container depot (ICD) in
Senegal. “And there are many more
to come,” Thibault said, “including
carrier haulage, both rail and road,
and freight forwarding (including
airfreight), with CMA CGM
forward,” said
Mathieu Friedberg,
Africa Lines, “CMA
CGM believes that
in the years to come
its competitiveness
will be based on its
ability to extend its
shipping expertise
on shore and provide its customers
with all the relevant services once the
container hits the African ground.
“Africa is clearly identified as a key
priority development from our top
management for the years to come.”
Having opened its own agencies
and with representation in all
African countries, all using its
worldwide system, the company’s
corporate tools make a big
difference, according to Friedberg.
“We have even invested in satellite
connections in some African offices
to make sure our communication is
up and running 24/7,” he said.
Investing in landside
activities in Africa such
as the inland container
depot in Senegal.
– Arnaud Thibault