If you need information on any matter pertaining to Customs and Excise, you could no better than to visit the South African Revenue Service (SARS) Customs and Excise Menu, which provides in depth information on the following:
About Customs
- Accreditation for Preferred Traders
- African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
- Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) Programme
- Clearance Declaration
- Customs Offices
- Customs Query Resolutions process
- Duties and Taxes
- Import, Export and Transit
- Inspection
- Legislative Framework
- New Customs Legislation update
- Offences, Penalties and Disputes
- Prohibited and Restricted Goods
- Rates of Exchange
- Refunds and Drawbacks
- Registration, Licensing and Accreditation
- Report a Customs Crime
- Reporting of Conveyances and Goods (RCG)
- Rules of Origin (RoO)
- Sending and Receiving Goods in the Post
- State Warehouse
- Tariff
- Trade Statistics
- Travellers
- Valuation (Customs Valuation)
About Excise
- Ad Valorem Products
- Air Passenger Tax
- Alcohol Products
- Malt Beer
- Other Fermented Beverages
- Spirits / Spirituous Beverages
- Traditional African Beer
- Wine and Vermouth
- Diamond Export Levy
- Diesel Refund System
- Environmental Levy Products
- Carbon Tax
- Electric Filament Lamps
- Electricity Generation
- Motor Vehicle CO2 Emission
- Plastic Bags
- Tyres
- Excise Offices
- Fuel Levy and Road Accident Fund (RAF) Levy on Petroleum Products
- Health Promotion Levy on Sugary Beverages
- International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund Levy (IOPCF)
- Petroleum Products
- Tobacco Products
The Menu is accessible at :