A task team established to address ongoing challenges at the Port of Cape Town has recorded its first success.When it was made aware of broken reefer plugs at the Multipurpose Terminal (MPT) that were causing cargo to be turned away at the height of the fruit season, the team took the matter up with Transnet Port Terminals. All the broken plugs have since been repaired with no cargoes being turned away due to unavailability of plugs.According to TPT the MPT recorded a 75% utilisation in December with all of the plugs in the facility now operational.According to the spokesman the task team has met several times since the workshop in December where it was asked to address port working hours in an effort to improve the synchronisation of shifts as well as the traffic management of trucks as congestion remains problematic.A second workshop for all stakeholders is being planned for April this year.The team was put together after the Department of Economic Development and Tourism convened a meeting in December with key stakeholders representing the entire port logistics chain, from exporters and importers to trucking companies, the respective divisions of Transnet, Navis, Sars and shipping lines, as well as representatives from the City of Cape To w n .