The Cape has experienced an upsurge in inbound and outbound volumes, according to Tracie Pelser, SACO CFR Cape Town branch manager.With the reefer season currently upon the region, it has been a busy time for the Cape, she told Freight News.Michelle Horner, SACO CFR trade manager, agreed. She said that during this time, dry FAK cargo could see some delays as export volumes increased and reefer containers moving fruit got priority loading status. This, she said, highlighted the importance of a neutral consolidation service as it provided stable and regular loadings of FAK cargo during these times, when carrier capacity was constrained.Pelser said that although the existing global supply chain challenges continued to impact the industry, the Cape region had been fortunate in terms of volumes. Wine continued to be the most beneficial commodity for the groupage operator from an export point of view, whilst the inbound commodities were mostly retail cargoes.Improvements in terms of terminal services at the Port of Cape Town still needed to take place.“The region still faces some challenges related to manpower shortages and equipment constraints, and whilst the port has standardised the booking system to improve efficiencies, there are still challenges, resulting in trucker delays compounded by high traffic volumes within the terminal. These challenges, however, are presently being addressed.”Added Horner: “Vessel delays and vessel schedule amendments continue to impact the transit time for cargo moving into and out of Cape Town, as both the port challenges and the weather create extended berthing delays, thereby increasing transit times into Cape Town. “We still see a high number of vessels continuing to bypass the Port of Cape Town, adding more days and pressure to the already hindered supply chain.”During these times, she said, communication remained key. “We look as much as possible to share information with our clients and to keep them informed about conditions, changes and delays as they become known. “Strong relationships with the shipping lines and our clients ensure that we are able to work around the challenges and plan our services accordingly, moving cargo in the most efficient manner available."