The notoriously problematic border crossing of Kasumbalesa between Zambia’s Copperbelt Province and the province of Haut-Katanga in the south-western Democratic Republic of the Congo has shut down again.
This was reported by Transit Assistance Bureau “Transist” this morning.
A message sent to Transist said: “Demonstrations at Kasumbalesa so no movement of trucks.”
It’s not clear what has sparked the demonstrations but the area has been politically volatile for some time, with violent flare-ups experienced all the way north-east of Kasumbalesa into copper mining areas around Lubumbashi and Kolwezi.
Earlier this month Kasumbalesa was turned into a flashpoint after members of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDSP) went on the rampage following the alleged killing of a colleague.
It is not known whether the UDSP is also responsible for today’s closure.
This is a developing story that will be updated as more information is received.
* According to a "runner" assisting transporters using the border crossing of Kasumbalesa the border has been re-opened following its closure early today because of demonstrations.