Climate change is affecting logistics operations in Zambia – and poses threats to social stability and economic growth in the country.“Zambia has been experiencing adverse impacts of climate change – including an increase in frequency and severity of seasonal droughts, occasional dry spells, increased temperatures in valleys, f lash f loods, and changes in the growing season,” states a report by the United Nations Development Programme (U NDP).Heavy rains and f looding that occurred in 2019 and 2020 are continuing. January 2021 saw one death and hundreds of people displaced after a spillway at Kadesha dam in the Mumbwa District collapsed following heavy rains, according to March f looding closed roads in the Chilanga district, which is between Lusaka and Kafue on the Great North Road.Erratic weather patterns have had a severe impact on 1.5 million smallholder Zambian farmers who produce most of the domestic food supplies. Weather extremes of increased frequency, intensity and magnitude over the last few decades are negatively impacting agriculture and increasing food insecurity, according to the World Food Programme.The result is that with 48% of Zambians malnourished, the growth of more than one-third of children under five years is stunted and over half have iron deficiency. Clive Smith“ATM Certificates must be issued to each vessel carrying DRC-bound cargo prior to arrival and discharge at all African ports.