Air Zimbabwe pilots have not been paid since 2013 and are currently living on allowances.
And yesterday (Monday) they told parliament that their conditions of service were so bad that some of their colleagues had left the state-controlled company for greener pastures, reports Voice of America (VoA).
World’s largest port-based solar energy facility
Operations at Singapore’s main general and bulk cargo gateway, Jurong Port, is now being fed with power from a 9.5-megawatt-peak (mWp) solar energy generation facility.
It started operation last week, and proudly claims the title of the world’s largest port-based solar energy generation facility.
According to Port Technology, it will allow Jurong Port to offset more than 60% of its electricity requirement with an estimated annual generation capability of more than 12 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of solar energy.
Excess energy generated will contribute to the steady supply of renewable energy to the national grid.