Freight forwarders continue to contend with inefficiencies at ports and across the transport network.
The TKC Secretariat has warned that bottlenecking should be expected at alternative borders.
The fight is headed to court after the entity refused to accept the Information Regulator’s enforcement order to divulge key information.
Motorists and fleet owners will get some reprieve at the pumps on Wednesday.
The event will cover topics such as mental health and resilience, driver safety, road security and emerging technologies.
Globally, the push for decarbonisation is gaining momentum.
The World Bank described a project intended to improve railway services in Kenya and Uganda as “moderately satisfactory”.
“Off-mine challenges, such as congestion at southern African seaports and equipment failures, continue to pose risks."
Hydrogen fuelling stations will be built in Germany to support the roll-out of the project.
To be very honest, it sounds as if someone contracted Deepak Chopra as a speechwriter for an SADC executive.
The International Transport Workers’ Federation says it supports their fight for formal jobs and decent pay and working conditions.
Transnet’s total freight performance remains well below historical levels.