On 15 July the South African Revenue Service (SARS) called for comment on its proposed amendment to Part 1C of Schedule No.6 to the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 “Refunds and Rebates of Excise Duties, Fuel Levy and Environmental Levy Rebates and Refunds Of Specific Excise Duties on Wine and Other Fermented Beverages (Excluding Beer Made from Malt and Traditional African Beer), Mixtures of Fermented Beverages and Mixtures of Fermented Beverages and Non-Alcoholic Beverages not Elsewhere Specified or Included” to amend the description of Rebate Item 620.13/104.15.25/01.02/71 and Rebate Item and 620.13/104.15.27/02.02/78 to reflect the correct tariff items for unfortified wine being tariff items 104.15.03, 104.15.13 and 104.15.21. Comment is due by 31 July.