On 18 April 2022, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) announced an amendment to the anti-dumping duties in Part 1 of Schedule No2 to the Customs and Excise Act,1964, “Anti-dumping Duties”, Item 201.02/0207.14.9/05.07, on the species Gallus Domesticus, originating in or imported from the Netherlands, in order to include Pluimveeslachterij C van Miert BV, Pluimveeslachterij Mieki Hunsel BV and Frisia Foods BV on the list of companies exempted from paying the duties. The amendment is imposed with retrospective effect from 23 August 2021.The rate of anti-dumping duty is 22.81%.
The reasoning is contained in the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC) Minute 13/2022, which is an addendum to ITAC Report No. 666
The draft amendments are accessible at: