Unprecedented rates and an unprecedented demand for shipping has seen some industries f lourish – but the vehicle sector remains under extreme pressure.According to the Association of European Vehicle Logistics (ECG), the sector is under extreme pressure. In a statement, ECG president Wolfgang Göbel said inventories were close to zero and volumes had fallen dramatically, while factories continued to close without notice.“The result is empty yards, empty workshops, idle and underutilised car transporters, trains and ships.”With manufacturers under pressure, logistics service providers in the sector are not thriving.A recent report by Transport Intelligence states that major contract logistics companies providing inbound services to assembly plants and major component suppliers have generally had businesses in other sectors to which they can shift resources. The hardest hit have been those service providers that tend to be wholly dependent on the automotive industry.According to Göbel, it is not just the lack of volume that is a concern, but also the unpredictability of the current marketplace.