On 12 April the World Trade Organization (WTO) announced that it had issued a call for proposals for this year’s Public Forum, by 07 June 2021. The theme is “Trade beyond COVID-19: Building Resilience and it is scheduled to take place from 28 to 30 September 2021.
It will look at the effects of COVID-19 on trade and how the multilateral trading system can help build resilience to the pandemic and future crises.
The three sub-themes are: Enhancing resilience beyond COVID-19; Strengthening the multilateral trading system; and Collective action towards sustainable trade.
All the sessions are organised by the participants. These include civil society, academia, business, governments, parliamentarians and intergovernmental organisations. Participants interested in organising working sessions or workshops will find further details in this information note.
The Public Forum is the WTO’s largest annual outreach event. It provides a unique platform for heads of states, parliamentarians, businesspeople, students, academics and civil society to come together and debate a wide range of trade and development topics.
The Call for Proposals is accessible at:
Story by: Riaan de Lange