On 05 March the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC) extended an invitation for comment on the proposed creation of a temporary rebate provision for the importation of outer rings of journal roller bearings, finished, of an outside diameter of 195mm or more but not exceeding 196mm, or of 207mm or more but not exceeding 209mm, classifiable in tariff subheading 8482.99.17, on which comment is due by 02 April.
The application was lodged by Timken South Africa (Pty) Ltd, which reasoned that:
(i) There is currently no manufacturer of outer rings of railway journal roller bearings in the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) region;
(ii) It used to manufacture the product in SACU, however, has since ceased local production; and
(iii) Current SACU demand of the product does not justify the investment required in setting up a complete manufacturing production line.
Story by: Riaan de Lange