In the Government Gazette of 26 September 2024, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition published a notice calling for nominations for the appointment of members of the SEZ Board.
By way of background, the SEZ Act, 2014 established the SEZ Advisory Board to provide advice to the Minister on the designation, promotion, development, operation and management of SEZs:
- To provide for the establishment, appointment of Members and functioning of the SEZ Advisory Board;
- To provide for the establishment of the SEZ Fund; to regulate the application, issuing, suspension, withdrawal and transfer of SEZ Operator permits; to provide for functions of the SEZ Operator;
- To provide for transitional arrangements; and
- To provide for matters connected therewith.
Requirements: Candidates should have leadership and governance experience, relevant qualifications and knowledge, experience and expertise in the fields relevant to SEZs.
The composition of the Board is set out in the SEZ Act and includes:
- Three (3) persons, each representing organised business, labour and civil society, appointed based on their knowledge, experience and expertise relevant to and involvement in SEZs; and
- Five (5) independent persons were appointed based on their knowledge, experience, and expertise relevant to SEZs.
Disqualification of membership: A person may not be a member of the SEZ Advisory Board if that person:
(a) Is an unrehabilitated insolvent;
(b) Has been declared by a High Court with Jurisdiction to be mentally ill;
(c) Has been convicted of an offence in South Africa or elsewhere, other than an offence committed before 27 April 1994 associated with a political objective, and sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine or, in the case of fraud or any other offence involving dishonesty, to a fine or imprisonment or both a fine and imprisonment;
(d) Has at any time been removed from an office of trust on account of breach of fiduciary duties; or
(e) Is otherwise disqualified in terms of Section 69 of the Companies Act, 2008.
Term of office: Members will be appointed for a period of five (5) years.
Remuneration: Rates as determined and published by the National Treasury.
Nomination Procedure: Nominations must contain the following information: Detailed Curriculum Vitae that includes membership of all boards the nominee currently serves on or has served on in the past, motivation for the appointment and certified copies of the identity document and qualifications obtained.
The Forms are obtainable on the dtic website at: