On 30 April 2021, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) announced the amendment of Rules under Sections 59A and 60 to the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, to provide for the next phase in the development of the electronic system for the submission of applications for registration and licensing and consequential amendments (DAR211). The Rule amendment is with retrospective effect from 23 April 2021.
The following amended forms:
- DA 185.4A11 - Registration Client Type 4A11 - Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and/or Designation of A Customs Controlled Area (CCA) - Sections 21A, 59 and Rule 21A.04)
- DA 185.4B3 - Licensing Client Type 4B3 - Storage Warehouse
- DA 185.4B4 - Licensing Client Type 4b4 - Special Storage Warehouse (Sections 19A and 21 and the Rules thereto)
- DA 185.4B15 - Licensing Client Type 4B15 – Searcher of or Searching for Wreck
The Forms are available on request.
Story by: Riaan de Lange