On 06 April 2021, National Treasury released its media statement titled “Provisional Financing Figures on Loan Issues, National Revenue Fund Receipts/Payments and Cash Balances”, which were the financial position as at 31 March 2021.
The statement reads:
During the month of March 2021, net domestic short-term loans increased by R7,900million. Net domestic long-term loans inclusive of redemptions decreased by R7,504 million.
National Revenue Fund receipts of R1,637 million were recorded resulting from revaluation profits on foreign currency transactions and premiums on bond transactions.
Government’s cash balances decreased by R52,748 million to R337,604 million. The South African Reserve Bank accounts, sterilisation and foreign currency deposits, amounted to R139,050 million. Cash balances with commercial banks amounted to R198,554 million.
More detailed information on the provisional figures will be included in the monthly statements of the National Revenue, Expenditure and Borrowing, which will be released on 30 April 2021.
Story by: Riaan de Lange