Bunker prices remain unchanged from yesterday's $273. Courtesey of Cockett Marine Oil
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Working towards net zero seems to have become less of a priority during the chaos of 2024.
The new law aims to improve road safety and traffic management systems.
“Transnet’s performance suffers as a result of being cash-strapped, which hurts the entire economy.” - BER
The first 20 diesel-electric straddle carriers arrived for assembly and commissioning this week.
"However, we anticipate a slowdown in ship demand growth in the second half of 2024 due to weaker cargo volume growth."
"It’s part of the work to modernise and streamline visa application processes worldwide."
But truck drivers say that their planned roadblock at the country’s borders will go ahead.
The cargo operator has implemented a contingency plan to clear cargo and keep moving on some routes.
The project to protect Alkantstrand Beach from soil erosion has gained ground ahead of the festive season.
The IMO has recognised the Captain and crew of the tanker for their exceptional bravery at sea.
Agriculture’s GDP dropped by 28.8% in the third quarter, but agri exports went the opposite way.
The union has warned that the impasse over automation and semi-automation could lead to another strike in less than six weeks.