Bunker prices remain unchanged from yesterday's $273. Courtesey of Cockett Marine Oil
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Climate change hit a record high, while business interruption is also a main concern.
The Zimbabwean directorate of veterinary services has partially lifted its ban on the import of cloven-hoofed animals and their products.
No plans are afoot to move Customs at Groblersbrug to higher ground. – Mike Fitzmaurice, UAOTL.
The roundtables will bring stakeholders together to share insights and discuss pressing industry issues.
The equipment is stamped with a counterfeit branding and a false Solas certification.
The exact demand that the retail sector will place on airfreight remains uncertain.
InterManager is collating data to confront the problem that often leads to the arrest of senior ship officers.
Volumes are increasing, driven largely by a recovery in cargo movement to and from Ukrainian ports.
Ciltsa will collaborate with its partner organisation to provide education, training and development opportunities.
From a 1990s peak of 12 million tons of cargo a year, National Railways of Zimbabwe now hauls less than three million tons.
The union predicts an increase in closures if Eskom’s application for a 66% tariff hike over the next three years is approved.