AFRICA UNION CARGO NAMIBIA (AUCN) is the international agent on behalf of Ogefrem for all cargo destined to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) via all modes of transport, sea, road, rail and air.
The ease and seamless movement of goods is one of the most important and one of the key aspects of the full supply chain for logistics solutions for all businesses that import/export globally, including the DRC. The renewal of the Ogefrem contract with AUCN not only offers all FERI certification solutions to African countries, but now globally. In January 2023, the new management of Ogefrem opened all global zones for their agents with the vision of enhancing the availability and ease of the applications of all FERI certifications, allowing clients to have an option of where they apply for the certification. AUCN has sister companies, not only in Africa but globally, allowing all logistics agencies and freight forwarders around the world surety that their applications will be handled professionally, efficiently and accurately.
Trade is encouraged into the DRC and clients should have options to acquire the documentation that is able to track their DRC-bound freight and, most importantly, assist with the congestion at the DRC border entry points. All cargo must be covered by the FERI certificate from origin and before it reaches all borders to the DRC.
Clients are therefore requested to ensure they apply for the FERI before leaving the country of origin and avoid applying for it at the border as they will pay the penalties of double the original amount to support the vision of a Green Virtual Lane initiative.
As industry leaders, AUCN implementation of the Mobile App for FERI applications is user friendly, simple to use and applications can be made by just dropping all relevant files in the correct sections (no application forms to be filled) thus supporting our clients by easing their workload with all their necessary FERI applications.
This modern technological initiative is not only supporting the agents, freight forwarders and transporters with convenience, and adding to the conventional ways of communicating, but is also more eco-friendly and can be applied for from all locations by mobile phone.
We look forward to supporting all our client base with the evolution of this mobile technology and all other services offered whether on their cellphones, through our website, via email or telephonically.
We are always available to ease your workload.
For inquiries: Contact Dornay Swartz, chief project manager at AUCN.