On 10 June 2022, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) informed of the increase of 75 cents per litre in the rate of the General Fuel Levy from R2.35/l to R3.10/l levy for petrol and from R2.20/litre to R2.95/litre for diesel, respectively, in terms of Part 5A of Schedule No.1 to the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (‘Fuel Levy’). The tariff amendment is with effect from 06 July 2022 up to and including 02 August 2022.
By the substitution of Note 8 in Section A to Part 5 of Schedule No.1 to the act, 1964 with the following:
8(a) For the purposes of item 195.10.03 the rate of fuel levy shall be the sum of the -
(i) general fuel levy at a rate of 310 cents per litre; and
(ii) carbon fuel levy at a rate of 9 cents per litre.
8(b) For the purposes of items 195.10.15; 195.10.17; 195.10.21 and 195.20.03 the rate of fuel levy shall be the sum of the -
(i) general fuel levy at a rate of 295 cents per litre; and
(ii) carbon fuel levy at a rate of 10 cents per litre.
(c) For the purposes of item 195.20.01 the rate of fuel levy shall be the sum of the -
(i) general fuel levy at a rate of 147.5 cents per litre; and
(ii) carbon fuel levy at a rate of nil cents per litre.
By the substitution of Note 8 in Section A to Part 5 of Schedule No. 1 with the following Fuel Levy Items:
195.10.03/2710.12.02 Petrol, as defined in Additional Note 1(b) to Chapter 27 319c/li
195.10.15/2710.12.26 Illuminating kerosene, as defined in Additional Note 1(f) to Chapter 27, unmarked 305c/li
195.10.17/2710.12.30 Distillate fuel, as defined in Additional Note 1(g) to Chapter 27 305c/li
195.10.21/2710.12.39 Specified aliphatic hydrocarbons solvents, as defined in Additional Note 1(ij) to Chapter 27, unmarked 305c/li
195.20.01/3826.00.10 Biodiesel as specified in Additional Note 1(a) to Chapter 38 147.5c/li
195.20.03/3826.00.90 Other biodiesel 305c/li