Transport consultant Mike
Fitzmaurice has taken over
the running of the Federation
of Eastern and Southern
Africa Road Transport
Associations (Fesarta)
following the resignation of
Barney Curtis at the end of
He will continue to run the
organisation on a voluntary
basis – as Curtis did – until
he can make it financially
“Mike has been working
in the road transport field for
many years and is therefore
familiar with what we do,”
Curtis told FTW.
Fitzmaurice’s own
personal business has been,
and will continue to be,
carrying out projects in
the road transport sector
throughout East and southern
“We see no problem with
his continuing this business,
providing there is no bias
towards any one country,”
said Curtis, who will provide
guidance for the March 2015
to February 2016 year after
which the new arrangement
will be assessed.
The industry has heaved
a collective sigh of relief
in the knowledge that the
good work already achieved
by Fesarta under Curtis’s
watch will continue – from
the harmonisation and NTB
process to the maintenance
of the e-corridor handbook
and the website.
The Johannesburg office
of Fesarta will remain open
and Fitzmaurice, who runs
his consultancy business from
Port Elizabeth, will man it for
3-5 days every month or as
often is required.
He can be contacted at
Mike Fitzmaurice