DRC-based Nik
International and
Logistics has launched
a concerted campaign
to grow its South African client
base, specialising not only in the
movement of goods between SA
and the DRC but also between SA
and Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Established in 2004, the
family-run business has already
delivered on its mandate of
expanding its business in
southern and central Africa,
according to SA-based managing
director Patty Kashale.
The local office was opened two
years ago and business is showing
promising growth, Kashale told
The company also has own
offices at key border posts in
the region – Musina, Beitbridge,
Chirundu, Kasumbalesa and
Born and bred in the DRC,
Kashale believes this offers
significant benefits.
“We know the DRC
environment, we know the
rules and regulations
and can therefore offer
a consultancy service
which often helps to
save money for the
One of the
problems that
shippers face
is all the taxes
and bribes
that need to be
paid once the
truck reaches
the DRC, says
of the Harare
Christian Tshiabuta.
“For our customers, once the
truck reaches the Congo, we take
Charges for SA-registered
trucks entering the DRC are very
high, says Kashale. “But we have
signed an agreement with the
government that allows trucks
contracted by us to be charged as
Congolese trucks.
“Speedy transit is another
advantage we offer”, says Kashale.
“We guarantee a maximum of one
week transit time from SA to the
DRC with an additional two days
for delivery within the DRC. This
is very competitive compared to
other services on the route which
sometimes take 3-4 weeks.”
The streamlined operation
is facilitated not only by the
company’s border staff but by its
warehouse at the border which
is secured by armed guards
and CCTV. “Goods are moved
directly into the warehouse after
clearance and dispatched to the
final destination from there.”
The company was launched
nine years ago by CEO Victor
Tshiabuta who had spent 10 years
working as a clearing agent at
the border. Driven by customer
demand it has since expanded
its product offering to provide a
door-to-door logistics service.
While it has a small f leet of its
own trucks it also outsources the
transport leg.
Kashale believes that the DRC
is a country with huge growth
potential which is likely to
attract major investment going
forward. “We can offer advice
to investors on clearing,
business strategies and any
information in the logistics
For our customers, once the
truck reaches the Congo, we
take responsibility.
– Christian Tshiabutu & Patty Kashale