Mitigating risk is key to
success when operating in
For Warren Jacobs of Almar,
a company that has successfully
branched out into several African
countries, it is all about doing
one’s homework and knowing
what one is taking on.
“Many investors have become
increasingly wary of placing
money into projects in South
Africa due to policy uncertainty
and labour issues,” he said.
“Understanding the challenges
is therefore key before one enters
a market – be it South Africa or
any other country in Africa.”
With offices opened in Kenya
and Angola in 2011, Tanzania
in 2012 and this year in
Mozambique, Almar is mindful
of the issues in Africa.
“We have been extending our
global footprint – but more
so in Africa where we have
opened four offices in two
years, significantly growing
our presence. It is our strategy
to increase our operations in
He said with a positive
outlook for the continent on all
fronts it made sense to grow as
opportunities were plentiful.
“With the number of large
projects under way and many in
the planning stage throughout
Africa, there is work to be done
here and companies can benefit.
They must however be able to
mitigate the risk and overcome
the challenges the continent
This includes the lack of road
and rail infrastructure. “We
have started seeing a difference
as investment into rail, road
and port infrastructure is
happening. Throughout Africa
foreign investment is being
channelled into infrastructure
development projects.”
Jacobs said as this continued
to happen and as infrastructure
improved, many African
countries would see far greater
economic activity.
“We are positive about the
prospects in Africa. As a
company we are looking to grow
and expand our presence in
Africa. Many of the services and
products we offer is what are
needed by the growing projects
With many large projects under way, Almar has opened four offices in
Africa in two years.