But growers’ performance remains strong despite myriad challenges fuelled by increased local demand.
The company will produce flat steel products currently imported from China to meet local demand.
It has requested WTO dispute consultations over the issue.
A reduction in Chinese exports to the US is expected to dampen Chinese demand for copper, zinc and iron ore, in particular.
SUNDAY UPDATE: Since this report was posted on Friday, November 8, it has been reported that the situation at the border has improved.
For the most part, e-commerce parcels shipped to the States originate in China.
Trump has proposed various tariff policies, including tariffs of up to 20% on all imports not out of China and 60% on Chinese goods.
Businesses from across the continent are showcasing their products at the world’s largest import trade expo this week.
They include onerous licensing requirements, long processing delays, inefficient customs procedures, subsidies, and technical barriers.
Employers lock out workers as wage and working condition negotiations reach deadlock.