Home Affairs minister Aaron Motsoaledi is expected to provide an update on the country’s smart border control plan.
Truck drivers parked their vehicles on the N4 that links Mpumalanga to the Port of Maputo, and walked away.
Fesarta pressure enables ZRA intervention.
Power outage at Beitbridge brings boom down on north-bound traffic.
It takes roughly the same amount of time to drive up from South Africa to the border than it takes to finally enter the DRC.
Even carriers with pre-cleared cargo have to wait in the queue to get through one of the most notoriously congested borders in Africa.
Four borders will be turned into 24-hour operations to speed up road freight.
Industry hopeful that talks about decongestion will result in more than just more plans about more talks.
Cleared/un-cleared cargo documentation checks could help manage the queue.
Kasumbalesa remains congested, with the weekend’s northbound queue stretching all the way to Kitwe in Zambia.
The Border Management Agency will play a major role in dealing with the country’s porous borders - Motsoaledi.
Trucks are impounded because of fudged cargo documentation.